Phwoar, formerly known as First Frontier, are an unrepentantly fizzy post-punk, pop two-piece amalgam, with garage rock sensibilities and catchy tunes.
Extra information: Phwoar are Helena pounding drums and Paul thrashing guitar, with both sharing the vocal duties. They are Brummie banter and Northern grit forged anew in the cauldron of life. Their music has been described as neo-garage, post-punk and alternative rock.

Please note that all the photos you see on this page are downloadable by right-clicking (all artwork & photos credited to Paul Stafford).
“Reminiscent of Nirvana and an English Kurt Cobain, Phwoar have released another banger of a tune with ‘Landslide’.” Turtle Tempo
“...a catchy slice of fuzzed-out garage rock, tinged with dark ‘80s nu-wave vibes and swirling harmonies.” Get In Her Ears
“...another track that celebrates euphorically the good things in life and puts a smile firmly on your face, much needed in these times and it just happens that it’s also a bloody good song.” Alive and Gigging
“This is a band that is worth getting behind.” About the noise
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